Senior Director

Jan 06, 2021

In January, OncoBay Clinical expanded our team of experts to now include Mr. Don Love, Associate Director of Clinical Operations and Mr. Ciance Aikala, Director of Data Operations. We continue to provide an innovative clinical trial solution for trials in immuno-oncology and cell therapy in oncology indications. Our service offering includes a vetted site network that is poised for “just in time” start up, expertise in the critical aspect of cellular therapy trials, and technology that is designed to enhance start up, data collection and quality delivery.

Specializing in immuno-oncology clinical trials, our company boasts a respected team of executive leaders with significant years’ expertise in oncology operations experience. Every team member is experienced in IO, and because we are a smaller firm, you are not separated from critical experience by deep layers of organizational infrastructure. You have access to a responsive and expert team that is dedicated to your clinical trial from start to finish.



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