Trademark and advertising strategy involves a host of complicated issues even at the best of times, and emerging life sciences companies have additional complications to contend with. Join as we discuss tips, tricks, pitfalls, and best practices for maximizing brand protection efforts, deploying marketing and promotional materials, and mitigating risks in this high-stakes industry.
Topics covered will include:
- Selecting and clearing strong and protectable house marks and product names.
- The dangers of descriptive terms.
- Best practices for leveraging branding agencies.
- The special nature of pharmaceutical marks.
- Properly supporting scientific claims.
- Implied endorsements.
- The unique risks associated with social media advertising.
- Offensive and defensive advertising strategies.
CLE credit for this course is available in New York and California. This program is offering 1.0 Skills CLE credit in NY, and 1.0 General CLE credit in CA. The program is appropriate for both newly admitted attorneys and experienced attorneys. Please note that CLE credit is only valid for live attendance. At this time, we are not able to provide credit for recorded views. Please contact us for details.