MassBio’s 2025 State of Possible Conference (Wednesday, March 26 | Omni Boston Seaport) is the premier event for the Massachusetts life sciences industry, and this year we are celebrating 40 years of innovation.
Pioneers of the industry: We will turn to industry legends and veterans to reflect on Massachusetts’ impact on drug development and human health over the past 40 years. George Church, Bruce Booth, and Abbie Celniker will join moderator Luke Timmerman for a retrospective look at the chapters of the Massachusetts story up to now.
Leading women & rising stars: We’re excited to host two expert panels moderated by industry luminaries. Luba Greenwood, CEO of Gallop Oncology and MassBio board member, will assemble the “Biotech CEO Sisterhood,” including Daphne Zohar, founder and CEO of Seaport Therapeutics, to share stories of adversity, success, and science. Brad Loncar, BiotechTV founder and host, will use his deep knowledge of the startup landscape to welcome biotech’s rising stars to discuss being founders and first-time CEOs, facing industry headwinds, and getting to the next milestone.
Recognizing leadership: MassBio will present the prestigious Henri A. Termeer Innovative Leadership Award to Robert K. Coughlin, whose leadership and impact go far beyond his record of accomplishments as the former and longtime CEO of MassBio. For a second straight year, MassBio will also recognize companies and individuals with the Spirit of Massachusetts, MassBioDrive Startup of the Year, and Scientific Impact of the Year awards.
More to come: We’re excited to reveal additional speakers (including our keynote!) and the full agenda in the weeks to come.
This is the place: Over the last four decades, Massachusetts has become the place where innovation thrives—from a nascent life sciences hub to the global drug development leader. This is the place where passion and expertise fuel progress. This is the place where vision and leadership spark new ideas and ignite new companies. This is the place where some discoveries will flourish, while many will fail, but the hope of patients keeps us pushing forward. This is the place where we champion a brighter, healthier future because this is the place for tomorrow’s medical breakthroughs. This is Massachusetts.
Sponsoring the day: We are grateful to our sustaining sponsors, Johnson & Johnson, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, Thermo Fisher Scientific, and Vertex Pharmaceuticals.